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[[Category:Mail Merge]]
[[Category:Electronic Correspondence]]

Revision as of 20:41, 27 March 2012

Overview of WP10UPD

In order for electronic correspondence to process properly, the PDFs generated by merging the forms must be approved by someone with the appropriate security. If you do not have access to PDF Batch Approval and should, please contact your organization's DDI system administrator or contact DDI Client Support for assistance.

To approve PDF batches:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Merge Forms System
  • Double-click Administrative Tasks
  • Double-click PDF Batch Approval. You will see a screen similar to this one:

PDF Approval 1.png

To approve a batch, click once to highlight and then click the Approve button:

PDF Approval 2.png

The batch status will now change from Pending to Approved:

PDF Approval 3.png

To approve multiple batches, click on one batch. Hold down your SHIFT key and arrow down to select more:

PDF Approval 4.png

Click Approve. All selected batches will now change from "Pending" to Approved".

When you have approved the batches you wish to process, click Save to retain your changes.

Once the batch has been approved, it must be generated. For information on how to perform this procedure, reference this page: