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[[Category:Mail Merge]]
[[Category:Mail Merge]]
[[Category:Electronic Correspondence]]

Revision as of 20:41, 27 March 2012

Overview of NA67UPD

In order to properly utilize electronic (email) correspondence, your organization must have a website configured to be updated with account statements and other notices to your constituents/borrowers. For example, utilizing DDI's Online-CEF product. If you are not configured to use this system, please contact DDI for assistance.

The first step in configuring electronic correspondence is to set up your email types. This is done via the Email Correspondence Maintenance screen. To access the screen:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Email Correspondence Maintenance. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Email Correspondence 1.png

To add a new email type, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will now activate for editing:

Email Correspondence 2.png

You must set up the following:

Field Description
Email type (unique) Unique, alphanumeric identifier for the email category. This is used in Merge Form Maintenance (WP03) to specify the email a constituent will receive once a PDF form has been generated
Return email address Email destination to be used for messages responding to automated emails generated by the Electronic Correspondence System
Login URL Web address used in the email to create a link to the login screen by which the constituent may gain access to the PDF form produced by the Electronic Correspondence System. This should be the address to your website via Online-CEF
Unsubscribe message (maintained by DDI) Component of the automated email describing the steps to be taken by the constituent if he/she does not want to receive future such emails. This field is normally maintained by DDI, and in the absence of required security it remains inaccessible to other users. This is required information on every email type you add, as failure to provide unsubscribe information could lead to these emails being identified and flagged as spam/unwanted email

Once you have configured the Basic Setup tab, click the Email text tab. You will see these fields:

Email Correspondence 3.png

You must configure the following:

Field Description
Subject A brief summary of the email contents. You have merge field options available. They are: $NAME, $DATE, $MONTH, $YEAR and $URL. Adding these fields will cause the system to merge the appropriate information into those fields
Body Alphanumeric body text of the email notice. The merge fields noted above can also be used in the body of the email
Signature Alphanumeric signature information (name, title, etc.) to follow the email body
Footer Alphanumeric footer information to be included at the bottom of the email text

Once you have configured both tabs of the email, click Save. This email type can now be set up within the merge form for electronic communication. For information on configuring merge forms, reference this page: Merge Form Maintenance