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=='''Constituent Listing Report (NA87)'''==
[[File:Constituent Listing Report.png]]
[[Category:Extract Module]]
[[Category:Extract Module]]

Revision as of 17:04, 16 March 2012

Overview of Reports Available through the Extract Module

The following are reports that are available through the Extract module.

AI Code Adjustment (NA86)

AI Code Adjustment 1.png

The AI Code Adjustment report lets you quickly and easily update AI codes on constituent and account records. You can add and remove codes using the report. It also lets you run in preview mode, to view the records that will be affected, prior to making any changes.

Field Description
AI codes to add To add one or more AI codes to all records matching your query selections, enter the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system
AI codes to remove To remove one or more AI codes from all records matching your query selections, enter the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system

If you wish to preview the changes before making the updates on the records, click the "Preview Changes Only". Click Start. The system will query based on your selections, and will display the previous AI codes on the matching records. Click below to view a sample of the preview report.

Preview Mode

When you are ready to make the adjustments, uncheck the Preview changes only box and click Start. The system will update the records and display a report with the results. Click below to view a sample of the update report:

Update Mode

Alpha Directory Report (NA85)

Alpha Directory Report.png

The Alpha Directory report is just that...an alphabetical directory of constituent or account records that match your query selections. The report output displays the name, address, phone and AI codes of each record. You have the following options:

Field Description
Include name prefix If selected, the name prefix is included in report results
Break by region If you wish to break the report by region, select this option
Sort by zip code (secondary sort if break by region is selected) If you wish ZIP code to be the primary sort, select this option

When you have made your selections, click Start. The system will generate the results based on your selections. Click below to view a sample of this report output.

Sample Alpha Directory Report.pdf

Constituent Listing Report (NA87)

Constituent Listing Report.png