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[[File:Sample IL230.pdf|thumb|center]]
[[File:Sample IL230.pdf|thumb|center]]
{{Security Function Explanation}}
[[Category:Investments Reports]]
[[Category:Investments Reports]]

Latest revision as of 15:52, 19 November 2014

Overview of IL230

The month end accrued interest posting process searches for active investments and performs interest accrual. It also creates interest income and interest receivable journal entries in the general ledger. This report is typically included in your organization's periodic processing. The report will only run at month end, and will not accept a date that is not a month end date. To run the report:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Reports
  • Double-click 230 Month End Accrued Interest Processing. The parameters screen will launch:


You have these options:

Field Description
Month end date Enter the month end date that you wish to use for processing. You can type it in a mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Account If you wish to process only those investments associated with a particular account, you can do so here by either typing in the account number or by clicking the search icon to locate the account. Leave this field blank to process for all accounts
Investment If you wish to process interest for just a particular investment, you can type the investment number here or click the list icon to select from a list of investments in the system. Leave the field blank to process for all investments
Selection mode You can opt to process for all investments, or click the drop down arrow to choose to process for just EFTS investments

Print Options

After clicking the Print Options button you will see the following options. Choose the desired options and click OK to return to the report parameters screen.

Print options.png

Option Description
Printer Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of available printers. DDI Connect uses your default printer unless told otherwise
Format Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of available formats. Select paper size, number of columns, and number of rows for printing. Each report has built-in format defaults. Select “Use Defaults” to use the built-in report defaults. The number of rows and columns controls the print size and amount of information per page
Memo If you wish, you can add a memo to the output of the report. NOTE: It is recommended that Word documents be saved with the .docx extension
View Report This option generates a pdf file that is displayed on the screen when the report is generated
Archive Report If this option is selected, the system will archive the report in the DDI Connect report archives. For information on working with archived reports, please reference this page: Archived Report Viewer
Print Report If selected, the system will generate the report output to your default printer. NOTE: You will also receive a pdf version of the report, displayed on your screen
Print via PDF Prints directly to your printer.
Email This option allows you to send a .pdf attachment of the report to the indicated users' email addresses. When OK is clicked, a dialog box will open requesting a recipient
Duplex/Top Prints the report on both sides of the paper in landscape style. The printer must be capable of printing on both sides or an error will occur
Duplex/Side Prints the report on both sides of the paper in portrait style. The printer must be capable of printing on both sides or an error will occur
Green bar Adds shaded, horizontal bars to the report, making it easier to read across columns
No dialog Selecting this option means that no ‘Report Completed’ dialog will display after the report has been generated
Extra copies If you want extra copies of the report generated, type the number in this field

Click start. The system will display a pdf with the results of the processing. Click below to view a sample of the pdf.

Sample IL230.pdf

Security Function

Users must pass the security function listed below in order to run this report.