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=='''I received an email from the IRS that says that I have errors in my IRS file. The error references Combined Federal/State code...how do I fix this?'''==
=='''I received an email from the IRS that says that I have errors in my IRS file, and that the file was Bad. The error references Combined Federal/State code...how do I fix this?'''==

Latest revision as of 12:56, 3 April 2013

I received an email from the IRS that says that I have errors in my IRS file, and that the file was Bad. The error references Combined Federal/State code...how do I fix this?

The error message you received from the IRS probably looks similar to this:

File Processing Results.png

This error means that you have state codes set up with an IRS code in the IRS State Code Setup:

IRS Code 1.png

If your organization does not participate in the Combined Filer program, your State codes should all read 00. To correct, click each state where there is a number (other than 00) and change the IRS code to 00:

IRS Code 2.png

Once you have modified all the state codes, you can go back to the IRS Reporting System and re-generate the file for the IRS.